About Us

The Idaho First Amendment Alliance is a 501(c)(3) organization formed in 2024 to protect the right of the free press and citizens to access public records. We are dedicated to making state and local government more transparent by empowering journalists to challenge public records and open meeting violations through education, litigation, and other means.
A group of Idaho journalists and government observers created the Idaho First Amendment Alliance after growing frustrated with poor government transparency practices in the state of Idaho. Though Idaho's public record and open meeting laws are clear in favoring openness, the only way to challenge denials, exorbitant fees, and over-redactions is to sue -- a process that takes time and money that most journalists don't have.
Though the Idaho Press Club has won two public records lawsuits in the last five years, the organization has had to leave multiple other public records violations unchallenged because of a lack of resources. We hope to change that by raising money to help our fight for sunshine in government.
We plan to use donations to train Idaho journalists on their rights, and, when necessary, for legal fees. Your contribution helps local reporters hold government officials accountable.